SportSim Goes Back to School
SportSim News
The SportSim team are getting on in years these days, but recently we got the chance to go ‘back to school’ when we were invited to be part of the orientation week (O’ Week) at Australian Catholic University (ACU).
The SportSim sport simulator is a flexible beast, suitable for both indoor and outdoor events. However, we were certainly tested by the weather gods at this one, with a scorching 38 degree day and an unforgiving sun beating down on our marquee.
We welcomed all the fresh faced students out of the heat and in to the SportSim marquee for a kick and a chat. Any nerves the young whippersnappers were feeling on day 1 of their new Uni careers soon melted away when they were confronted with something that required their undivided attention – specifically, how to score a penalty past the SportSim ‘All Star’ goalkeeper. Many tried….few succeeded.
The SportSim simulator makes perfect sense for University social functions as sport is a great way to break down barriers, get people relaxed and burn off some nervous energy.
If you’re part of a University student committee, sports team or a member of the marketing or administration teams, think about SportSim for your next event.